RESULTS:School of Theology, Advent Semester 2024

Research & Writing

This course is designed to help international student writers succeed in writing, editing, and completing a large research project specific to their discipline. This could be a research paper, journal article, literature review, dissertation chapter, grant proposal, or other relevant document. The course provides intensive help with grammar, idiomatic phrasing, and overall clarity for writers whose native language is not English. The instructor will collaborate with the Language Center of the University for additional resources.

School of Theology

This course consists of an eclectic approach, introducing students both to the traditional historical-critical methods and to more recent linguistic and literary studies. Major expressions of Israel's relationship with God, including covenant, law, the prophetic office, monarchy, temple worship, and apocalyptic thought, are covered. Some attention is given to the history of interpretation. The first semester is an introduction to the Old Testament within its ancient Near Eastern setting, to the tools of critical biblical study, and to the content of the Torah/Pentateuch and prophets/historical books.
New Testament Foundations I and II offer a literary and historical introduction to the New Testament, using the tools of critical study that were introduced in study of the Old Testament. Students look at the chief witnesses to God's work in Jesus Christ, taking note of their setting in the interlocking worlds of first-century Judaism and Hellenism. Foundations I is an introduction to the Gospels and Acts.
An introduction to the Hebrew language of the Old Testament. Our textbook favors an inductive approach; students begin translating biblical phrases already in Lesson 1, and learn vocabulary according to their frequency.
In this seminar students improve their general reading knowledge of Biblical Hebrew. This entails a more detailed study of Hebrew grammar, the further development of basic Hebrew vocabulary, and the introduction to the syntax of Hebrew prose. Course also introduces students to a number of textual matters pertaining to the critical study of the Hebrew Bible.
This course is designed to give students a working knowledge of New Testament Greek that will assist in studies in the New Testament, and also assist in understanding the Greek terms used throughout seminary studies. Students will begin to read New Testament passages, gaining insights into better understanding of the New Testament.
This course surveys the stories, rituals, and myths that surround spirit phenomena in biblical literature using examples from the Old Testament, Second Temple Jewish literature, and New Testament. Recognizing that spirit phenomena do not always fit into modern categories like “medicine,” “psychology,” or even “religion,” this course employs theoretical models developed by scholars who have studied and experienced contemporary spirit practices firsthand, including cultural anthropologists, ethnographers, and Pentecostal/charismatic theologians. A special emphasis is placed on how ministry leaders can illuminate spirit texts from the Bible in local church settings.
This course introduces students to the academic study of Paul's Corinthian correspondence. It begins with an examination of the source critical problem and what can be known of the social history of the Christian assembly at Corinth. It continues with a close reading of significant portions of Paul's letters focusing on their theological and ethical topics. Attention is paid to the place of the Corinthian letters in the larger Corpus Paulinum and in the development of Paul's thought.
A Biblical Studies topic developed by the student and a School of Theology faculty member to meet an educational goal not met through existing courses.
A Biblical Studies topic developed by the student and a School of Theology faculty member to meet an educational goal not met through existing courses.
A Biblical Studies topic developed by the student and a School of Theology faculty member to meet an educational goal not met through existing courses.
In this course we will review the different approaches in Christian ethics to contemporary moral issues in the areas of politics, sexuality, medicine, economics, and ecology. We will begin by reviewing the distinctive forms (virtue theory, natural law, divine command, and liberation) and sources (reliance on Scripture, tradition, and reason) of Christian ethics, as well as those favored by central figures in Anglicanism. We then will consider contributions by important writers on particular issues, such as the just-war tradition, same-sex marriage, genetic manipulation, and globalization. Throughout, the emphasis will be on the ethical implications of the church's apostolic mission.
This course examines saints, holiness, and altruism as seen through the interdisciplinary lenses of Christian church history, comparative religion, philosophy, theology, and biography. Students will gain a greater knowledge of how religious and moral exemplars function in their respective communities of faith as figures of both veneration and imitation, how various theories of altruism both build upon and wrestle with the existence of such exemplars, and how secular sainthood has emerged as a vital concept in contemporary ethics. The implications of saints for belief in divine reality will be considered along with the meaning and challenge of sainthood for today.
This course focuses on the patristic and medieval periods. It concentrates on the narrative history of the church with emphasis on doctrinal developments, major theological controversies, heresies, missionary expansion, and the development of distinctive church institutions.
Beginning with the Reformation, this course traces the origins and the development of Anglicanism. Focusing on the Church of England, it will consider the events and ideas that shaped Anglicanism, especially the Reformers, the Deists, the Evangelical revival, the Oxford Movement and Anglo-Catholicism, the Social Gospel and the Anglican Communion. This course also has the attribute of ANGL.
A Church History and Historical Theology topic developed by the student and a School of Theology faculty member to meet an educational goal not met through existing courses.
Music is a force of immense power in the church's worship. This course lays the foundations for students to participate in and oversee the ministry of music in the parish in collaboration with persons skilled in music. It includes theological engagement with music, the role of music in the liturgy and the congregation, a working knowledge of The Hymnal 1982, and vocal techniques for the student's own singing of the liturgy as deacon and priest. Participation in this course is required for functioning as a cantor in the Chapel of the Apostles.
This course introduces students to the history, theology, and pastoral use of The Book of Common Prayer (1979 edition). Through a mix of academic work and practical exercises, students demonstrate mastery of the church's basic liturgical texts.
This course examines the distinct vocation and ministry of those called to the ordained priesthood. Drawing on Scripture and the ordinal of The Book of Common Prayer, it looks first at priestly identity and authority in relation to the ministry of all the baptized. After considering what it means to lead a community of faith as "pastor, priest, and teacher," we move to the practice and underlying theology of several aspects of parish ministry. Relevant canons and portions of The Book of Common Prayer are studied. Approaching pastoral care as the "cure of souls," the course focuses on pastoral visitation and counsel; preparing people for the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, and marriage; and ministry to the sick, dying, and bereaved. Throughout the course, attention is given to the way various pastoral situations draw both priest and parish more fully into the mystery of Christ.